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Package com.databasesandlife.util.wicket

Wicket components.

See: Description

Package com.databasesandlife.util.wicket Description

Wicket components.

com.databasesandlife.util.wicket.MultipleValueAutoSuggestTextField allows the user to enter multiple values, and suggestions are proposed by the system. The user may enter values which are not amongst the suggestions.


com.databasesandlife.util.wicket.MultipleValueAutoCompleteTextField also allows the user to enter multiple values. The values the user enters must be amongst the suggestions: the user may not enter any other values.


CountingUpThenAutoRefreshingLabel counts up, tending towards a particular value, and then starts to auto-refresh this value, at ever decreasing intervals. Useful for counters on startpages indicating number of active users, or similar.

GoogleAnalyticsAsyncWidget includes the Google Analytics tracking code.

DisappearingFeedbackPanel is the same as a normal FeedbackPanel but the whole component is deleted from the markup in case there are no messages to display.

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